Use Case : Digitisation of REITS and Land

Asset Managers can adopt STACS blockchain technology to optimise
the processing of securities registers for its real estate investment products.

How does STACS support innovative projects in the real estate sector?

The Asset Management firms will register financial assets – for example the shares of a capital company that owns real estate – and associated rights in the form of a digital “token” represented on their network operating on the STACS Blockchain.

In addition to significantly reducing liability management costs for the issuer, STACS blockchain technology enhances the liquidity of unlisted assets, increases transaction transparency, and reduces the risk of fraud.

What are the Enterprise Blockchain Use Cases in Real Estate? 


Land Titles and
Deed Records

Asset Management and
Real Estate Funds

Property Sale and
TItle Assignment

Transparent Proof of Ownership –
Investor and Tenancy

How will STACS Blockchain drive digitisation in real estate?

Programmability and Compliance
Tokens can be programmed with any logic the issuer wants, including logic ensuring that distributions and transfers are compliant to meet specific rules. Controls ensure that tokens can be transferred only to certain counterparties, or not at all during a lock-up period.

New Markets

However, the real promise of this programmability is a future with fundamentally new instruments and markets. Digitisation by STACS reduces the cost and increases the speed of creating, issuing, and exchanging assets, innovating new features, administering dividends and other corporate actions, holding, reporting, and creating secondary market trading and settlement arrangements with no counterparty risk. This, in turn, increases access to investors and has the potential to improve liquidity and distribute risk.

How will blockchain impact land titles and deed records?

STACS Blockchain can replace outdated paper deeds with digital assets and track these documents on an immutable ledger. Further, STACS distributed ledger technology enables a shared source of truth for documents and files between multiple parties or organisations. STACS enables transaction and property ownership records to be more accessible, thereby achieving the benefits of digitisation.  

How will blockchain impact asset management and real estate funds?

Real estate investment funds and asset managers stand to benefit from the automation and real-time data provided by STACS blockchain technology. Through tokenised real estate funds, these firms stand to benefit from new business models and reduced overhead costs. Further advantages of tokenised assets include increased liquidity and the broader availability of assets, greater transparency of property ownership and a new flow of capital. Voting rights can be easily distributed through tokens and programmed for specific types of asset holders.

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