by Visibiliti | Dec 7, 2022
“The digital economy is quickly expanding across the globe, and it promises to be a significant engine for innovation, competitiveness, and economic growth. To be part of the digital economy, financial market infrastructures must “digitalize”, and this has been the...
by Visibiliti | Sep 16, 2022
“DLT is the foundation to building capital markets that are for everyone. It enables smaller businesses to borrow, instills investor confidence through transparency, and provides real-time asset trading and settlement across borders.” Catherine Casas First Vice...
by Visibiliti | Sep 16, 2022
“We are thrilled to have collaborated with UBS, State Street, CMS Holborn Asia, as well as our blockchain partners Tezos and STACS on this groundbreaking initiative to bring efficiencies to the fund investment and management industry. By tokenizing the VCC, we hope to...
by Visibiliti | Sep 16, 2022
Not only does this Proof-of-Concept outline a basic ecosystem for DLT bond issuance and lifecycle management but it also serves an accessible template for the industry in the development of concepts into live commercial transactions. Hugo van Kattendijke Head of...
by Visibiliti | Sep 16, 2022
“Data transparency, reliability and security are corner stones of the emerging ESG capital market. This cutting-edge ‘bond in a box’ POC successfully explored the synergies between Fintech and ESG, using distributed ledger and smart contracts capabilities with...